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ansible use case


No matter what infrastructure you have, there are baremetal machines under it somewhere. When rolling out datacenter deployments, use Ansible to provision everything you need, and work with the infrastructure you have.

Configuration Management

Ansible’s extensive library of built-in modules, plus its easy extensibility allows you to use the same simple playbook language not just for configuring your servers, but also for your networks, firewalls, and more.

Application Deployment

Ansible is the simplest way to deploy your applications. It gives you the power to deploy multi-tier applications reliably and consistently, all from one common framework.

Continuous Delivery

Release Early & Often...But Keep It Simple. We come from a long history of building software the "release early, release often" way. If release often is an ideal, continuous application delivery may be nirvana.

Security and Compliance

Ansible allows you to simply define your systems for security. Ansible’s easily understood playbook syntax allows you to define secure any part of your system.


With Ansible and Tower, orchestrating the most complex tasks becomes merely the click of a button even for the non-technical people in your organization.